Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO)

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The RTO (Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer) is a highly efficient industrial waste gas treatment device that oxidizes organic waste gases (VOCs) into harmless carbon dioxide and water at high temperatures (≥760°C). The system uses ceramic heat exchangers to recover thermal energy, achieving a heat recovery efficiency of up to 95%, which significantly reduces fuel consumption and operational costs. It offers a purification efficiency of up to 99%. RTOs are suitable for treating medium to high concentrations of organic waste gases and can output excess heat for other industrial uses, achieving both environmental and economic benefits.


Processing power

10K~50K Nm³/h

Processing temperature

760~950 ℃

Purification efficiency


Thermal efficiency


Product Details:

The Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) is an abbreviation for Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer. The basic principle is to oxidize organic waste gases (VOCs) at high temperatures (≥760°C), converting them into CO₂ and H₂O, achieving a purification efficiency of up to 99%. The high-temperature gases generated during oxidation pass through specially designed ceramic heat exchangers, causing the ceramic material to heat up and “store heat.” In the next process, waste gas flows through the preheated ceramics, transferring the stored heat to the incoming waste gas. The organic waste gas passes through the ceramics, which act as a heat exchanger, enabling continuous heat exchange. This process saves fuel consumption for heating the waste gas, reduces operating costs, and achieves a heat recovery efficiency of up to 95%. Under medium to high concentration conditions, the RTO can output excess heat for external use in the form of steam, hot air, or hot water, thereby achieving both environmental and economic benefits.


① Heatrecovery as high as 95%-97%maybe achieved

② VOC destruction rates of≥98%

③ Low NOx Burners

④ Reliable valve design enables VOC removal rates of upto 99%

⑤ Multiple-chamber RTO systemscan be designed and manufactured

⑥ User friendly design for rapidinstallation &ease of maintenance

⑦ PLC automatic control

⑧ Variable frequency drive(VFD)for reduced power consumption

⑨ IntegratedVPN for remote troubleshooting &viewof realtime operations

⑩ Very low NOx generation


Specifications and Parameters

型号  Model




Treated air volume








10000 6200*2500*5100
AR-RTO3Q-15K 15000 7100*2500*5300
AR-RTO3Q-20K 20000 9000*2500*5500
AR-RTO3Q-25K 25000 9800*2500*5500
AR-RTO3Q-30K 30000 9400*3000*6000
AR-RTO3Q-35K 35000 10500*3000*6000
AR-RTO3Q-40K 40000 9400*4000*6200
AR-RTO3Q-50K 50000


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